Film, photo collection, and publication inspired by everyday object, a comb.
In this project, we used three different, but related, types of media to tell the story of an object. This project challenged how to consider the strengths and weaknesses of discrete media forms in conveying visual narrative.
01 50 images + final form
02 A time-based narrative (video, animation, stop-motion)
03 A multi-page publication
I continued to develop design practices that are rooted in process, iteration, and conceptual thinking. I experimented with image and form making, a variety of tools, platforms, and approaches, both digital and analog. I wanted to emphasize authorship through content generation, observation, and making and gain an understanding of narrative arcs in relation to visual communication and storytelling. My goal was to become familiar with narrative as a communication design tool and create a cohesive visual language across three kinds of media.
I wanted to explore an object that not only was multifaceted in its form and physical shape, but also rich in its cultural and personal history. Hair combs have a significant past, dating as far back as 1,500 B.C. in Ancient Egypt. Combs have spanned time, cultures and have been used by all social and economic classes.
This project came to fruition during the height of COVID 19 in spring 2021. I, like many stir-crazed Millenials, took to bleach, scissors, and dye to experiment with my hair. As I gave my bangs their first chop, I felt a sense of connection to the many similarly-feeling individuals at this time. We were living through a unique cultural bubble and the use of a comb brought its historical landscape to a contemporary time.

Narrative of bleaching and dying hair.
Original film, animations and sound mixing by Alexis C. Williams.
Photo credit: Alexis C. Williams.