DESIGN         ART         CONTACT


Documented walk through downtown Boston.

DATE: September 15th, 2020
TIME: 5:40 pm – 7:10 pm
AUDIO RECORDING: 00:00 – 1:27:00






5:40 pm / 00:00 / Time marker
5:41 pm / 01:00 / Person on phone. Couple talking
5:42 pm / 02:00 / Guy fixing car
5:43 pm / 03:15 / Plane flying over
5:43 pm / 03:00 / Two girls walk by
5:45 pm / 05:00 / Girl on phone
5:46 pm / 06:00 / Sound of water in the fountain
5:50 pm / 10:00 / Couple behind me talking
5:52 pm / 12:00 / Two girls walking by “Ew that’s so weird” “That’s the second person from work who’s…”
5:53 pm / 13:00 / Long line of people
5:54 pm / 14:00 / Girl singing opera Next to big fan out of a window
5:57 pm / 17:00 / Next to music school Can hear an oboe
5:58 pm / 18:00 / “Wow was it my fault (inaudible)”
5:58 pm / 19:18 / “Jesus Christ”
6:00 pm / 20:002 / Girls “Oh yeah like the cable”
6:01 pm / 21:00 / In residential housing For college Northeastern students
6:02 pm / 22:00 / Pass by mail worker
6:02 pm / 22:00 / Pass by a man smoking cigarettes. It smells good I can taste it through my mask
6:03 pm / 23:00 / Moving cardboard box blow into street
6:04 pm / 24:00 / Person right behind me caught me taking a pic 
6:05 pm / 25:00 / I cross the street, a car slows down. He puts his arm out the window because I think he’s signaling me to go but afterward it seemed like it was an expression of annoyance
6:06 pm / 26:00 / Woman talking at people
6:09 pm / 29:00 / Runner runs past. Girl, “I was about to murder you” Guy “I know” Jokingly tone. They don’t seem to know each other
6:10 pm / 30:00I / Get in the way of a runner I apologize
6:12 pm / 31:00 / Guy skateboarding. Outside Boston conservatory
6:13 pm / 33:00 / Guy sitting on a stoop on phone “But you know you can always say if there rooms unavailable”
6:14 pm / 34:00 / Walking past Berkeley cafes
6:15 pm / 35:00 / 4 guys at cafe. A guy saying to a friend “He rides so bad, I want to ride so bad” 
6:15 pm / 35:00 / Guy “Is it pretty good here?”
6:15pm / 35:00 / Girl on phone
6:16 pm / 36:00 / Girls walk past
6:16 pm / 36:00 / Man on a bike to me “Excuse me (inaudible)”
6:18 pm / 38:00 / Purple T goes past below I try to see people in Windows I don’t see anyone 
6:21 pm / 41:00 / Couple walk past
6:21 pm / 41:00 / Line to get into Trader Joe’s goes all the way around the corners
6:21 pm / 41:002 girls walking “And they just gave him a frozen (inaudible)” Other girl “Omg Hahaa”
6:23 pm / 43:00 / Standing outside of the Prudential music playing
6:24pm / 44:00 / Little girl come out of Prudential on scooter. She falls off a scooter. Mom doesn’t notice. The homeless man sees her and says “whoa, you okay??” The little girl gets up doesn’t say anything. Mom turns around and says “thank you” to the man. The little girl goes “huh?”
6:27pm / 47:00 / Family walk by. Little kid “Bo bo”
6:30 pm / 50:00 / Song playing on biker in sidewalkHomeless man “Hoorah” Girl “Can you mask”
6:31pm / 51:00 / Girl to guy “This is so quiet for a Monday”
6:32 pm / 52:00 / Girl w friend “Girl if he does, he can come too”
6:32 pm / 52:00 / I stepped on 3 musketeers and it got stuck to my shoe
6:34 pm / 54:00 / 2 guys crossing the street “Ricky Ricky Ricky”
6:34 pm / 54:00 / 2 girls “I was so tired”
6:34 pm / 54:00 / Girl and boy walk by“I got you, I’ll take the money off”
6:37pm / 57:00 / Boys skateboarding
6:37 pm / 57:00 / Guy on automated skateboard Balancing looking he going to fall off. Rhythm Is A Dancer song is playing
6:38pm / 58:00 / Bus 39 to Back Bay1 person get off. It’s empty. 5 Girls approaching other side of the street. Bus driver honks for them to cross. They wave and say thank you
6:38 pm / 58:00 / Girl on phone “I haven’t seen (inaudible) here”
6:41 pm / 1:01:00 / Guy to girlfriend talking about dog “You think I could give her a haircut with my buzz”
6:41pm / 1:01:00 / Red jeep blasting music
6:44 pm / 1:04:00 / Woman “She’s like 8, 9 months” Guy “You don’t like to give birth on planes?” Other guy “Haha it’s not recommended”
6:46 pm / 1:06:00 / Couple play boxing “You ready?”
6:48 pm / 1:08:00 / Woman mail carrier talking to guy“He’s at UMass Lowell right now”
6:51 pm / 1:11:00 / Woman “Worse comes to worst we’ll just come to (inaudible)”
6:51 pm / 1:11:00 / Girls “I know the total”
6:51 pm / 1:11:00 / Guys “It’s a four day week”
6:53 pm / 1:13:00 / Guy on a bike “Oh yeah well so far the hotel was backlogged”
6:54 pm / 1:14:00 / Woman w tiny chihuahua dog “He’s very friendly”
6:55 pm / 1:15:00 / Girls having champagne “Did you guys she the professional ballerinas?” “It looks really good. I’ll tag you in it” “Gucci is such a gross word. It’s just so much more active”



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