A data campaign on manipulation tactics: verbal, mental, physical, and domestic abuse.
When we see the world through rose-tinted glasses, we sometimes can’t decipher what is real and what is clouding our judgment.

Good information design begins with an idea, and is supported by data that tells a story. The story is the basis for the design, providing a roadmap for the form and format of a visualization. The visualization, in turn, creates an understanding that shifts perception. The more complex the problem, the greater the need for simplicity and clarity.

A scene of a teenage girl’s room. The interior space of someone's safe space and a representation of their mindset. Yet, this room isn't as safe as you think. By looking through the rose-colored glasses and lens, the pretty pink world starts to dissolve and blue cracks begin to appear: holes in the drywall, warning signs in text messages, sticky note reminders.
There is an underlying message and we know it’s lurking just below the surface. But how hard are we looking? And how much are we being manipulated to overlook?
There is an underlying message and we know it’s lurking just below the surface. But how hard are we looking? And how much are we being manipulated to overlook?


Some of the objects represent secrets. The flash drive, pregnancy test, makeup concealer, sticky notes, polaroids possess deeper meaning and hints of concealing information, from some else... or maybe yourself.
Facts about domestic abuse.
DRAG AND DROP... discover more information.
Click to read.
Click to read.